The Greater Fayette Republican Women's Club will meet for lunch on Thursday, October 15th, at 11:30 a.m. at Frank's, 1095 Hwy 54 W, Fayetteville. All interested Republican Women, their families, and friends are invited to attend. For more information, call Alberta Lucas (770-719-0879) or Debby Dickinson (770-641-2383).
Monday, September 28, 2009
Seniors' Bill of Rights
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8:05 AM
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Thursday, September 24, 2009
Senate Cloaks Obamacare
You can’t read the bill because they refuse to put it in writing. And you’d better not oppose it because the government will try to muzzle you.
President Obama has consistently refused to put his details into legislative language, and now the U.S. Senate is doing the same thing.
Rather than respecting public demands for transparency, they’re figuratively spitting in the public’s face.
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Georgia Front
5:17 AM
Independents desert Obama, putting 2010 in play
Independent voters are turning away from President Obama and his fellow Democrats in droves. And if they can't find a way to get them back, the party could be in deep trouble for 2010 and beyond.
Independents gave Obama the White House last year with a vote for pragmatic competence. They have been repaid with partisanship and dithering. And unlike liberals who Obama has quickly re-energized after their summer doldrums, independents are devilishly hard to win back once they lose faith.
By: Chris Stirewalt
Political Edito
rSeptember 24, 2009
Posted by
Georgia Front
5:03 AM
Can the Republicans win the House in 2010?
There’s starting to be some speculation that Republicans might recapture a majority in the House in 2010. That would require them to gain 40 seats—the exact number they needed to gain in 1994, the last time they recaptured a majority from the Democrats. Interestingly, I don’t recall anyone predicting the Republicans would win a majority, much less gain the 52 seats they actually did that year, until July 1994...
Washington Examiner
By: Michael Barone
Senior Political Analyst
09/23/09 4:12 PM EDT
Posted by
Georgia Front
4:58 AM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Marco Rubio Delivers Letter to Governor Crist Regarding ACORN
Another interesting race to watch. Marco Rubio (R) is running for the Senate seat vacated by Mel Martinez in Floriday. Governor Charlie Crist (R) is also running for the seat.
September 17, 2009
The Honorable Charlie Crist
The Capitol
400 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Dear Governor Crist:
As you are no doubt aware, the community organizing group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is now under intense scrutiny for recent reports of its involvement in questionable behavior and potentially illegal activity in several states.
In addition to the damning video reports of ACORN employees now familiar to most Floridians, just last week the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office announced that arrest warrants were issued for 11 former ACORN employees accused of faking voter registration cards. While it is commendable that ACORN assisted in the investigations that led to the arrests, it begs the question: why were so many people capable of these crimes working for ACORN in the first place?
Last Friday, the Census Bureau severed ties with ACORN. On Tuesday, U.S. Senators Bill Nelson and George LeMieux joined 81 other Senators in an overwhelming and bipartisan vote to strip federal funding from ACORN. Just yesterday, Governors Arnold Schwarzenegger in California and Tim Pawlenty in Minnesota took similar action, asking officials to investigate ACORN’s behavior in their respective states and prevent state taxpayer funding of the group.
Based on the mounting evidence against ACORN and the serious questions surrounding this organization, I respectfully ask that you follow the lead of the other elected officials I mentioned above and take immediate steps to initiate a thorough investigation into ACORN’s activities in Florida, including a detailed accounting of what state funds, if any, ACORN may be receiving. If it is discovered that they are receiving state funds, I believe further steps should be taken to cut off any taxpayer funding of ACORN.
The St. Petersburg Times also reported yesterday that your office may have partnered with ACORN in the past on several initiatives, including your 2007 effort to restore voting rights to convicted felons in Florida. If you partnered with ACORN, I have no reason to doubt you did so unaware of ACORN’s propensity for questionable activity, and with what you believed at the time to be the best interests of Floridians at heart. However, given the recent revelations about ACORN, I believe it is now in the best interest of all Floridians for your office to provide a thorough accounting of its relationship with ACORN and what, if any, influence ACORN may have had in any actions you have taken on behalf of the people of Florida.
Lastly, during last year’s presidential election, despite what now seems to be a prescient chorus of concerned parties asking for an investigation into ACORN’s election-related activities, you insisted that you were unconcerned with ACORN’s activities. In light of the recent allegations against ACORN, I suggest you reconsider your position, demand a full investigation of ACORN’s election-related activities, and take whatever steps available to you to prevent ACORN from engaging in voter registration and other election-related activities until the questions surrounding this organization are resolved.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Marco Rubio
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10:13 AM
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On NBC's Meet the Press, Boehner Discusses Health Care, Dems' Push for Bigger Government, War in Afghanistan
In an appearance this morning on NBC’s Meet the Press, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) discussed health care, the War in Afghanistan, and the dramatic expansion of the size of government under the current Administration. Leader Boehner highlighted House Republicans’ better solutions on health care – including allowing the American people to buy insurance across state lines and enacting medical liability reform – and called on the President to scrap his costly government takeover of health care and hit the “reset” button so Republicans and Democrats can work together on a bipartisan bill that reduces health care costs, expands coverage, and doesn’t break the bank. Following are highlights of Boehner’s appearance and video of the interview:
“We’ve outlined a number of ideas to make the current system better. Why not allow small employers to group together through national associations so they can buy health insurance for their employees like big companies and unions can today? Why not allow the American people to buy health care plans across state lines? Why not get serious about medical malpractice reform and more importantly the defensive medicine that doctors practice because we haven't reformed our tort system? There are ideas I outlined some of these ideas in a letter to the President back in may, asked to sit down with him and his Administration, and we got a nice polite letter back that says thank you for your ideas, we'll see you at the end. I’ve not been to the White House since late April, early may. There’s been no bipartisan conversation on Capitol Hill about health care, at some point when these big-government plans fail, and they will, the congress will not pass this, it's really time for the President to hit the reset button and stop all of this and sit down and start over in a bipartisan way to build a plan that Americans will support.”
“Let's remember something. The debate that we're in here is not just about health care. It’s about the trillion dollar stimulus bill that was supposed to be about jobs and turned into nothing more than spending, spending and more spending. It’s about a budget with a nearly $2 trillion deficit this year and trillion dollar deficits for as far as the eye can see. It’s a cap-and-trade system, this big giant tax on the American people that this week we just find out the Treasury Department said will cost the average family $1,700 per year. You add to that this whole question of health care and the government option and the government involvement, and Americans today are getting more news about what's happening in their government than they have ever gotten before, and Americans are generally scared to death…
“What’s going on here is unsustainable. Our nation is broke, and at a time when we've got the serious economic problem and near 10 unemployment, we ought to be looking to create jobs in America, not kill jobs in America. Their cap-and-trade proposal, all this spending, all of this debt and now their health care plan will make it more difficult for employers to hire people, more difficult, more expensive to have employees which means we're going to have less jobs in America - but Americans are scared and that's why they are speaking up and that's why they are engaging in their government.”
“I said during the year, if the President listened to our commanders on the ground and to our diplomats, that I’d be there by his side, and I supported his strategy in Iraq. I’ve supported his strategy in Afghanistan, but it's pretty clear based on what I heard this morning that the President is changing the goals here. All he talked about was going after al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. What happened to the statement earlier this year when the President said we cannot allow the Taliban and al Qaeda to have a safe haven from which to train, operate and organize to go after Americans? That is a very big change, and so I’m really concerned. We’ve been asking for general McChrystal to come to Capitol Hill and testify. The request -- we haven't heard anything. There's reports out all last week that the White House has asked general McChrystal to wait four to six weeks before sending his request in, and so there's something -- there's something amiss here, and I am highly skeptical of the debate that we're going to have here over the next couple of months.”
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10:04 AM
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Mike Huckabee Wins Values Voter Summit Straw Poll
/PRNewswire/ -- Mike Huckabee has convincingly won Family Research Council's second-ever Values Voter Summit Straw Poll. Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Sarah Palin, and Mike Pence finished roughly tied for second place.
Only registered participants of the Summit who were present at the event were allowed to vote.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement in reaction to the second ever Values Voter Summit Straw Poll:
"We were surprised that the event's turnout was more than double our expectations, clearly showing intensity among social conservatives. This was the first time potential conservative candidates could present their vision for change. We have over 1,800 registrants and over 175,000 unique online viewers."
The following are the straw poll results:
Candidate Name Total Votes Percentage
1. Mike Huckabee 170 28.48%
2. Mitt Romney 74 12.40%
3. Tim Pawlenty 73 12.23%
4. Sarah Palin 72 12.06%
5. Mike Pence 71 11.89%
6. Newt Gingrich 40 6.70%
7. Bobby Jindal 28 4.69%
8. Rick Santorum 15 2.51%
9. Ron Paul 13 2.18%
10. Undecided 31 5.19%
11. Other 10 1.68%
* The full results can be accessed at
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5:44 AM
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Saturday, September 19, 2009
Isakson, Chambliss Call for End to Federal Program Used To Assist Troubled Banks, Automakers
Urge Administration to Use All Repayments for National Debt Reduction
U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., joined with 37 of their Senate Republican colleagues yesterday in a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner calling for an end to the Troubled Asset Relief Program, known as TARP, which has been used to assist troubled banks, financial institutions and automakers.
The authority for the TARP is scheduled to expire on Dec. 31, 2009.
On Jan. 15, 2009, Isakson and Chambliss voted to oppose the Bush administration’s request to access the remaining $350 billion in TARP funds, citing their disappointment and frustration over how the administration spent the first $350 billion. Isakson and Chambliss also strongly opposed the Bush administration’s decision to use TARP funds to bail out U.S. automakers.
The full text of the letter:
Dear Secretary Geithner:
As we approach the termination date for authority to spend federal funds allocated to the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) through the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (EESA) (PL 110-343), we ask you to allow the authority to expire on December 31, 2009. As you know, the latest TARP report shows a significant amount of unobligated funds. Ending the authority for TARP would help improve the Federal debt going forward and reduce the need to increase the debt limit, which Congress has raised three times in the last 14 months.
When Congress passed EESA last October, the financial markets were in a downward spiral, and our country was facing an unprecedented credit crisis. Then Treasury Secretary Paulson requested $700 billion in federal funds to purchase toxic assets, which were at the heart of the financial crisis. Congress was told it was imperative to act quickly before the financial markets crashed, taking with it the pensions, savings and investments of hardworking, American taxpayers. As you know, the Senate passed EESA on a bipartisan basis, including the support of then-Senator Obama. Subsequent to the enactment of this legislation, however, TARP has been used by the federal government to acquire ownership stakes in banks, financial institutions, and automakers. This direct investment certainly was not the intention of Congress in passing this legislation. In fact, Congress explicitly rejected legislation to provide federal funds to bail out car manufacturers.
Based on your comments to the TARP Congressional Oversight Panel on September 10, 2009, it appears that you believe that our financial markets are recovering. In addition, borrowing costs are down for both business and consumer lending and banks are reporting stronger balance sheets. While we understand that our economy is still recovering, we believe it can function without added TARP funding. Additionally, the cost to the taxpayer if TARP authority was extended could be substantial. Already the taxpayer is expected to lose tens of billions of dollars on funding that was provided to GM, Chrysler and AIG.
As elected officials with the responsibility to the American public when it comes to overseeing taxpayer interests, we urge you not to extend TARP. To the extent you have concerns that allowing TARP to expire after this year would jeopardize the progress made in the recovery of our financial markets, we would remind you that Congress stands ready to work alongside the Administration if future action is required. This program should expire on December 31, 2009, and all TARP repayments should be returned to the Treasury for debt reduction.
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11:58 AM
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Thursday, September 17, 2009
Chambliss, Isakson Cast Votes, Cosponsor Legislation to Block ACORN from Receiving Any Taxpayer Dollars
Also Call On Democratic Leader to Hold Hearings to ‘Determine Extent of ACORN’s Wrongdoing’
U.S. Senators Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., and Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today cast votes and cosponsored legislation to block the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, known as ACORN, from receiving any federal funding. The senators also signed a letter to the Senate Democratic Leader calling on him to hold hearings “to determine the extent of ACORN's wrongdoing.”
ACORN, which has received an estimated $53 million in federal money since 1994, was accused of fraudulent voter registration in several states during the 2008 presidential election. Now, the group is under fire for hidden-camera videos in which ACORN employees in several cities are seen advising two people posing as a prostitute and pimp on how to break the law.
“After repeated revelations of fraud, it's clear that we must move forward to ensure that ACORN is not receiving any federal funding,” said Chambliss. “Organizations that break our laws and undermine our democratic process should not be eligible for taxpayer dollars.”
“It is indefensible that ACORN is eligible for taxpayers funds when it has repeatedly worked to undermine our electoral process and to advance partisan political activities,” said Isakson. “The recent revelations only offer further proof that this organization should be prohibited from receiving federal funding.”
Chambliss and Isakson cosponsored a bill today to block ACORN from receiving any federal funds from any source. The legislation was introduced by Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb., and has 16 cosponsors.
In addition, Chambliss and Isakson voted for an amendment on the floor to block ACORN from receiving federal funding through the Interior Appropriations bills. This amendment passed by a vote of 85-11.
Chambliss and Isakson also joined 26 other senators in calling on Democratic Leader Harry Reid to hold public hearings on ACORN and to end all federal funding for the group.
The letter to Reid says in part: “American taxpayers must be able to trust that their money is being spent responsibly and is not being used to fund criminal enterprises. As Senate Majority Leader, we hope that you will deploy all of the resources at your disposal to restore that trust.”
Earlier this week Chambliss and Isakson also cosponsored and voted for an amendment to block ACORN from receiving federal funding through the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill. The amendment passed by a vote of 83-7.
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4:53 PM
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Westmoreland Supports House Vote Against ACORN
Congressman previously led effort against group’s involvement with Census
As a congressional leader in the fight to sever federal ties to ACORN, U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland joined an overwhelming House majority in voting for a bill to cut all federal funds given to the group.
“Today’s vote marks a rare victory for American taxpayers in this Democratic House, but ACORN’s abuses now are so well documented and so well known that even Democrats can’t defend them,” Westmoreland said. “Undercover videos of numerous ACORN offices giving advice on avoiding taxes and hiding an underage prostitution ring are only the latest examples of this group’s illegal behavior. I hope the Senate will follow the House by passing this legislation and sending it to the president for his signature.”
As chairman of the House Republicans’ Census Task Force, Westmoreland led a successful lobbying effort with the director of the Census Bureau to prevent ACORN from partnering with the bureau on the 2010 Census. The bureau announced last week that ACORN would be dropped from the bureau’s partnership program.
“Republicans didn’t take up this fight because it’s recently become a hot topic on cable news,” Westmoreland added. “In fact, last year, we sounded the alarm about ACORN’s voter fraud activities. In 2007, we started the fight to stop HUD from funding ACORN’s housing activities. Today’s victory has been a long time coming. ACORN’s work will continue even without federal funding and I encourage federal law enforcement authorities to investigate the group’s illegal actions.”
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Georgia Front
1:55 PM
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Nathan Deal: Don't Lie. Verify
On Tuesday, I was honored to stand up for Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina on the floor of the U.S. House.
Joe has apologized to the President for his remarks and the President has accepted. But the liberal, national Democrats are trying to silence anyone who stands in the way of their government-run healthcare program.
Joe Wilson is a good friend of mine. He has four sons who all wear the uniform of our Armed Forces, just as their father did.
I also have proudly worn the uniform of the U.S. Army. Never in my wildest dreams did I believe that I would have to stand up and oppose the Commander-in-Chief. But in this Administration, I have and I will.
For years, I've been leading the fight in Congress to stop illegal immigrants from getting taxpayer-funded health care benefits. In fact, I wrote the law requiring every state to verify identity and citizenship prior to enrolling anyone in Medicaid. No one has been more aggressive about ensuring precious health care funds go only to those here legally.
Just last month, I offered an amendment to the Democrat government-run health care scheme that would prevent illegal aliens from getting taxpayer funded Medicaid benefits by simply requiring verification that an individual is a U.S. Citizen, or in this country legally. Unfortunately, my amendment was defeated on a mostly party-line vote.
However, the buzz on Capitol Hill is that liberal House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is forcing through her government-run health care scheme--without a provision to verify U.S. Citizenship or legal status--to the House floor for a vote as early as this afternoon. And you can help make sure this important taxpayer protection gets an up-or-down vote.
Nathan Deal
Deal for Governor
Call the Speaker's office to tell her to require citizen verification. Her number is 202-225-0100.
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Georgia Front
3:57 AM
Labels: apology, atlanta, congress, fayette front page, georgia, georgia front page, health care, illegal, immigrant, obama, president, south carolina, wilson
Monday, September 14, 2009
Austin Scott to Speak to South Metro Young Republicans
The South Metro Young Republicans will host its September meeting this Wednesday, September 16, 2009, at 7:00 pm.
Please note the meeting has been moved to El Reposo in Peachtree City (100 Lexington Circle) with the closing of the Irish Bred Pub.
Austin Scott, a candidate for governor, will be the guest speaker.
Posted by
Georgia Front
1:13 PM
Jim Tedisco's editorial in TU: Government can't fix our economic woes
Jim Tedisco For Congress to Facebook group:
Philosopher George Santayana once said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." A Congress looking to pass a health care overhaul would do well to heed that warning.
The rush earlier this year to pass an economic "stimulus" bill did more to add to our crushing budget deficit than it did to add to our job rolls.
In fact, according to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nation has suffered a net loss of more than 2 million jobs since President Barack Obama signed into law the $787 billion stimulus package. The unemployment rate has shot up from 7.6 percent to 9.7 percent, the highest percentage of Americans out of work in 26 years.
At the same time, the Obama administration admitted that the 10-year federal budget deficit projection will be much higher than originally thought -- a staggering $9 trillion, nearly $2 trillion more than the earlier $7.1 trillion forecast.
It has taken our country more than 230 years, from the Founding Fathers up to today, to build up a $10 trillion deficit. Now we're on course to double it in ten years.
More and more, our destiny will be in the hands of America's creditors, like China and Japan. Higher debt means the possibility of higher interest rates rippling through our economy. Families will be burdened with higher mortgage payments and our children entering college will be saddled with higher loan repayments upon graduation.
Most Americans recognize that we cannot continue on this dangerous path. Doing so threatens our prosperity and saddles the future generation with an unfair, undeserved and impossible debt responsibility.
Yet, there are those who are ignoring warnings and are pressing ahead to pass a trillion-dollar plus health care overhaul.
While our health care system is certainly in need of reform, we must look to innovative solutions that will not bankrupt future generations. Too many Americans lack health insurance. Health care costs are rising at an unsustainable rate. Reform is needed, but Americans shouldn't be blamed for being suspicious of a government-led overhaul.
So, what to do?
Lawmakers should scale back plans and work toward incremental reforms that have bipartisan support. Preventing the denial of coverage because of pre-existing conditions, portability of coverage, comprehensive medical malpractice reform and pooling of insurees across state lines are just a few ideas.
What not to do?
Lawmakers should just say no to a "government-controlled plan." When the government competes with the private sector, it's not a fair competition. Government can run deficits and use taxpayer financing. Government would win, while patients and taxpayers would lose.
Lastly, lawmakers must resist the urge to rush through a bill that raises taxes and is not paid for. We shouldn't condemn ourselves to a repeat of the "stimulus" effort. There is a better way, one that not only strengthens our health care system for all but also eases pressure on our ready-to-burst fiscal system.
Posted by
Georgia Front
5:17 AM
Rockdale GOP Monthly Breakfast Meeting
September 19
You are invited to the monthly breakfast meeting Saturday, September 19 at 9:00 a.m. The meeting is held at Honey Creek Golf Club, 635 Clubhouse Dr. SE, Conyers, GA 30094.
Speakers are Ed Stone, President of GA Carry, an organization working to preserve our 2nd amendment rights and Sue Everhart, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party.
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5:14 AM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
John McCain: Health Care Reform Petition
My Friend,
Government-run health care issomething we simply cannot afford.
Sign the Petition Today
Last night, during his speech to a joint session of Congress and the nation, President Obama outlined his new proposal for health care reform. While I respect the President's point of view, and hope for an eventual compromise, I believe his proposal amounts to an egregiously expensive and expansive form of government-run health care.
After a month of hosting and attending town hall meetings with my constituents in Arizona and around the country, I know that Americans want health care reform. But what is so very clear to me is that Americans want to reform health care in the right way.
I am more convinced than ever that we must fix what is wrong with our health care system while doing no harm to the parts that work well. This means we need to have malpractice reform, we must emphasize wellness and fitness, give people the option to get the health insurance of their choice and bring the cost of health care under control.
If you agree, that we need to reform health care reform the right way, then I ask you to sign my health care reform petition today by following this link.
I am very troubled by the potential cost of the President's outlined plans. I know that you are very concerned with the national debt and a projected $9 trillion deficit. The prospective cost of the President's plan could reach $2 trillion, and frankly, our country simply cannot afford this price tag.
I will not support heath care reform that adds to the out-of-control spending spree the Democrats in Congress have gone on this year. And I ask you to join me in rejecting the addition of $2 trillion of debt by signing this petition right away.
Government-run health care is something we simply cannot afford, and I know that the majority of Americans agree with me that it is not the quality of health care that needs reforming, but the cost. But, I need to know you stand with me.
Will you follow this link to sign my petition?
As you know, the Democrats in Washington are doing everything in their power to push through their proposed reform full of political gimmicks. Your action today will send a clear message to them; we don't want government-run health care.
Thank you, my friend, for your support and involvement on this very important national issue.
Thank you,
John McCain
P.S. The Democrats have pledged to "move forward" with their $2 trillion plan regardless of Republican support. But, it is up to us to do everything in our power to put a stop to the wasteful spending and enact health care reform in the right way. Please sign this petition today and if you are able to, make a generous contribution to my reelection effort.
Thank you.
Note: we haven't gone to the petition to sign yet. Hopefully this isn't just a campaign contribution request couched around this very critical issue. - rns
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Georgia Front
6:18 PM
Cash for Clunkers’ woes preview Obamacare
By Lynn Westmoreland
As Democratic members of Congress heard an earful over August from angry constituents worried about a government takeover of health care, hundreds of thousands of Americans were getting a sneak preview of what Obamacare might look like.
Washington, in its wisdom, instituted a seemingly simple Cash for Clunkers program, a plan so well known by Americans that it needs no further introduction.
The Cash for Clunkers window has closed now, of course, but its record of delays, paperwork, refusals, computer crashes and general red tape remained fresh in the memories of Americans as the president addressed the Congress this week to push his ideas for health care reform.
Without doubt, the president is the Democrats’ greatest messenger and he’s gifted in the art of persuasion. But the president doesn’t need to convince Americans that we have problems with our health care system. We could have all agreed on that long before he took up residence at the White House.
The president’s challenge is selling Americans on the dubious idea that the answer lies in a government takeover of the health care industry.
There are many legitimate reasons Americans from coast to coast flooded town hall meetings over August to voice their opposition. There are basic worries about bigger government, higher taxes and even larger federal deficits. Others wonder how an underfunded Medicare program could sustain $500 billion in cuts. But the main concern is intimately personal: Americans know a public option will undermine private insurance and lead to rationing, lower quality care and bureaucratic interference in the doctor-patient relationship.
It’s the latter concern where the Cash for Clunkers program could come into play.
At first, Congress appropriated $1 billion to provide a $4,500 incentive for Americans to trade in gas guzzlers for new, more fuel-efficient cars. This was supposed to rev up the ailing car dealers and auto manufacturers. (While almost 700,000 cars were bought through the program, this is a case of the government picking winners and losers. Cash for Clunkers merely pushed consumers to buy cars in lieu of other big purchases. Plus, dealers may face a dry spell after the taxpayer-subsided binge.)
The Department of Transportation this week will increase its work force for the program to 5,000, up from 3,000 last week, which was up from 1,100 public and private sector employees in mid-August. The bureaucracy keeps expanding.
What are these 5,000 new government workers doing? They’re processing the 27 million pages of paperwork generated by those nearly 700,000 car sales. A huge backlog formed waiting on the mere stamp of federal approval of the sale.
While many dealers appreciated the jump start on lagging sales, common complaints echoed nationwide: The government’s web site kept crashing, dealers couldn’t get their money from the Department of Transportation, their accountants were working around the clock to fill out the bounty of paperwork required on each car and 50 percent of applications were rejected. As of today (Sept. 10), only a little more than 40 percent of submissions have been paid.
Paperwork. Problems with payments to providers. Delays. Backups. New bureaucrats hired. The government picking winners and losers.
These things were bad enough when U.S. consumers were just looking for a good deal on a new car. What’s it going to be like when you need dialysis or a heart transplant?
President Obama’s effort to sell cars may give Americans extra pause as they watch him kick the tires on his health care plan.
Lynn Westmoreland (R-Grantville) represents Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District.
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10:51 AM
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