Sen. Mitch Seabaugh (R-Sharpsburg) chaired a joint meeting of the Senate Fiscal Management Subcommittee and the Best Value in Government Task Force today at the Capitol. Members of both committees gathered to discuss agency reports, efficiencies, and cost savings for the Departments of Audits, Revenue, Banking and Finance, and Administrative Services, as well as the State Accounting Office, State Properties Commission/Georgia Building Authority, Georgia Technology Authority, and the Office of State Administrative Hearings.
“With the current economy causing a significant impact in state revenues, it’s imperative that we find budget savings and efficiencies everywhere we can in order to be fiscally responsible, and to ensure that we fund programs that are fundamental to the role of government in Georgia,” said Sen. Seabaugh.
Each agency presented an overview of programs, efficiencies, and cost savings that have been implemented. The current budgets were submitted and several agencies were asked to provide further detailed information on particular programs or services. Members of the committee focused on uncovering duplicated services between agencies, and encouraged making as many programs self sufficient as possible.
The committee also heard testimony from Commissioner Bart Graham of the Department of Revenue, State Accountant Greg Griffin with the State Accounting Office, State Properties Commission/Georgia Building Authority Director Steve Stancil, Georgia Technology Authority Director Patrick Moore, Department of Audits Commissioner Russell Hinton, Commissioner Rob Braswell of the Department of Banking and Finance, Commissioner Brad Douglas of the Department of Administrative Services, and Chief Judge Lois Oakley with the Office of State Administrative Services.
The Senate has been holding similar joint workshops over the past several months at the request of Lt. Governor Casey Cagle, who has charged the Senate to proactively identify non-essential government services and maximize efficiency and value in our state government. Several of the topics that have been covered include transportation, education, natural resources and community health.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Senate Subcommittees Examine State Agency Programs
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Friday, December 12, 2008
The Republicans who Vote FOR the Auto Bailout 10/11/08
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Collins (R-ME)
Dole (R-NC)
Domenici (R-NM)
Lugar (R-IN)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)
Posted by
Georgia Front
6:00 AM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
RNC Chair Discloses Comeback Plan
/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is an excerpt of an Op-Ed by Robert M. "Mike" Duncan from Politico, and is being released today by the Republican National Committee:
Sen. Saxby Chambliss' reelection this week was a tremendous victory for the people of Georgia. Voters went to the polls on Tuesday and selected a strong leader prepared to deal with both the domestic and the foreign challenges our nation faces in the months and years to come. Chambliss won his election because he represents the core values of Georgians and voters recognized the very real differences between the candidates.
Georgians refuted any notion that the ideology of the country has shifted to the left. They supported the candidate who believes that people should keep their hard-earned dollars; that every American resource should be leveraged to address our energy crisis; that the role of judges is to interpret the Constitution; and that America must be vigilant against the very real threats to our nation and its citizens.
Notably, Chambliss won in spite of strong support by President-elect Obama and Democrat organizations for Jim Martin. Georgian's clearly sent a message that any rhetoric about a liberal mandate is nothing but hot air. Georgians -- and all Americans -- will be watching Washington closely and expecting policies that make government work for them and not against small businesses and entrepreneurs.
In the first contest since the presidential election and what many believe is the first race of the 2010 cycle, Republicans won because we coupled a strong, conservative candidate in Saxby Chambliss with a solid ground game that reached out to millions of Georgians and turned out the vote. Chambliss' reelection sends a message to all those who believe the Republican Party and its core principles are anything less than strong and competitive.
The ground game that reelected Sen. Chambliss focused on the nuts-and-bolts of campaigning, enhanced by investments in technology that the RNC has made over the past two years. The Chambliss team, the Georgia Republican Party, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and the RNC were full partners in a Victory plan that executed the basics flawlessly. With dozens of RNC staff and hundreds of volunteers in 11 regional Victory offices across the state, our team contacted nearly a half-million Georgians in the last five days alone.
The RNC's investment in technology over the past two years allowed our Republican team to maximize every volunteer's time and every contributor's donation on behalf of Chambliss, creating a get-out-the-vote effort that overwhelmed Democrats in the state. Through sophisticated online advertising techniques we reached hundreds of thousands of Republicans who requested absentee ballots, voted early, and found their polling station. Our investment in technology enabled our Victory program to significantly increase the Republican share of advance voters in the runoff election. We also provided volunteers the tools to make phone calls from home to likely supporters and/or send numerous e-mails to their neighbors engaging them in the reelection effort.
And while we overcame challenges in reelecting Chambliss in Georgia, we have another Republican leader seeking a conclusion to his race in Minnesota. We must not lose sight of the significance and absolute importance in ensuring Norm Coleman returns to Washington in the 111th Congress as Minnesota's senior senator.
As I write, Coleman leads his opponent. Coleman won the election on Nov. 4, he won after the canvassing of votes had occurred, and he will be the winner at the end of the recount. These results only lead to one conclusion: Coleman will be reelected as a U.S. senator from Minnesota.
At the RNC, we have spent the past two years investing in programs, technology, and training staff and volunteers on the basic fundamentals of winning elections. Chambliss' victory yesterday demonstrates the value of those investments and proves that Republicans still know to win elections.
As Republicans, we must continue to take stock of the 2008 elections -- first and foremost, strengthening ourselves by listening to the American people. But that also means learning from our mistakes and acknowledging our successes. Our success in Georgia is a strong sign that reports of the GOP's demise have been greatly exaggerated, and I look forward to future Republican successes in 2009 and 2010.
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3:00 PM
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Statement from Sen. Mitch Seabaugh (R-GA) on Board of Regents’ Tuition Fee
“I am disappointed that the Board of Regents has decided to impose additional cost burdens on students as a way to balance their budget. They should take responsibility and instead look diligently at their own non-essential spending.
Georgia families are struggling to make ends meet and the Board of Regents should not protect their status quo by balancing their budgets on struggling students' and parents' pocket books.
As the state, its agencies, and Georgia families are looking at ways to operate on a tighter budget, the Board of Regents should do the same and look at their own budgets to cut out any non-essential and wasteful spending rather than asking Georgia families to foot the bill during tough economic times."
Sen. Mitch Seabaugh (R-Sharpsburg)
Chairman, Senate Best Value in Government Task Force
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
Opinion: The New Republican
By Steven Lee
I became the first President of the Law Republicans at the University of Georgia this Fall. My story is unlikely. I was born in Connecticut and raised in New York but now I am a proud Southerner. My parents left South Korea to become Americans almost 30 years ago. My family grew up in a rent-controlled tiny one-bedroom apartment, while my parents took on three jobs at a time to make ends meet.
When I was younger, my parents imposed a strict curfew, clamping down on my whereabouts due to the lack of safety in our crime-ridden neighborhood. The neighborhood we grew up in bustled with immigrant families of different cultures, sending children to school from tiny apartments, trying to live the American Dream. After an exhausting day of work each day, my parents worried and checked up on my schoolwork late in the evenings.
If you have watched those liquid dish soap commercials where a single drop of soap instantly makes the grease scurry to the edges of the sink, you would have found a discomforting similarity to my bathroom wall when it turned from black to white as roaches scurried for places to hide from the light. When I was a child and I went to the bathroom at night, I turned on the bathroom light, quickly turned around and ran into my bed in horror.
More than two years ago, my parents finally scrounged enough money together to buy a home in sunny Georgia. They were fortunate enough to save, buy a small home, and then were lifted out of New York during the housing boom, the way a river floods and lifts the broken in its current.
I believe, one day, I will tell a story about an amazing journey that started in a small humble apartment in New York. In my destitution, I learned the importance of building character, working hard, and being thankful for what I have.
After Election Day, I started writing a blog ( about how the Republican party should “reinvent” itself while staying true to its core convictions. People of all different creeds – Democrat, Independent, Republican and Libertarian – have joined in a thoughtful and engaging discussion on the modern day challenges that America faces now. The forum is connecting people nationally.
From education reform to the economy, each entry invites readers to discuss important issues that will shape our country for generations. If as Americans we start becoming more involved at the grassroots level, we can begin to influence the public debate.
In my forum called New Republican, I recently discussed how the future of America rests on education reform. Only 53% of high school graduates in the US enter college and 35% graduate from college, according to the American Youth Policy Forum. The majority of children around the world are outperforming American children in Math and Science (Center for Public Education). Of all the industrialized countries, only children in the United States are less likely to graduate from high school than their parents were. 17 of the 50 largest cities have graduation rates under 50 percent, with 1.2 million American students dropping out each year.
I respectfully invite you to join in this open-minded discussion. I have been humbled by the interest of so many. The forum received nearly 3,000 hits in the first week, and hundreds of visits per day. With the worst economy since the Great Depression and other challenges that America must deal with now, Martin Luther King Jr.’s words were never truer, “We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.” If we join together, we will confront the modern-day challenges and begin to influence the public debate.
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Georgia Front
4:11 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
Steele Announces Candidacy for RNC Chairman
(BUSINESS WIRE)--Former Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele today announced his candidacy for the position of Chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Steele was clear in his reason for running by saying, “the Republican Party must present a vision for the future of America that relies on our conservative values and core principles. It is wrong to believe the voters have suddenly become liberal. They have just lost any sense of confidence that the Republican Party holds the answers to their problems. We must face the fact that our party has failed in recent years to live up to our own principles -- we have failed to be ‘solutions oriented’ in addressing the concerns of all Americans.”
Steele made his decision to run last weekend but delayed his public announcement until today so that he could call as many RNC members as possible to personally discuss the future of the Republican Party and to seek their support. “I have been working the phones for days now in an attempt to reach the leadership of our Party as quickly as possible,” Steele stated. He believes the future of the Party lies with the states and wanted to set the tone from the outset that he will place an emphasis on the members of the Committee to begin rebuilding.
“Having been a member of the RNC, as state chairman of the MD Republican Party from 2000 to 2002, as a County Chairman from 1994 to 2000; I know first-hand the RNC must truly be run as a federation of state parties in order to be effective.”
“I believe the leadership of our party must come from its grassroots because the members of the RNC are the best representation of what direction our party needs to take. The state chairmen, national committeewomen, and national committeemen are the party leaders who are closest to the voters – they know what the voters want – they talk to them everyday. I have walked a mile in their shoes; without them you become out of touch with the issues that are important to Main Street Americans.”
“I want Republicans to get back to winning elections, not just for the sake of winning, but for the sake of our Country’s future. Most Americans today see a Republican Party that defines itself by what it is against rather than what it is for. We can tell you why public schools aren’t working, but not articulate a compelling vision for how we’ll better educate children. We’re well equipped to rail against tax increases; but can’t begin to explain how we’ll help the poor. The success of our Party’s resurgence will come from the states -- from our local leaders and from our Governors.”
We must articulate a positive vision for America’s future that speaks to Americans’ hopes, concerns and needs. It’s time to stop defining ourselves by what we are not, and tell voters what we believe, how we’ll lead, and where we’ll go … how we Republicans will make America better … how we’ll make their families more prosperous, their children better educated, their parents more secure, and all of us healthier, safer, and stronger. That means we must articulate our vision in the local public square, on TV, on Radio, in the local newspapers, on the internet. With God’s help and the guidance of the men and women who give strength to our Republican National Committee, I am prepared to do just that.”
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5:38 AM
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Great Campaign Ad!
Thanks to McCain-Palin 2008 blog for finding and sharing this video:
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Georgia Front
3:35 PM
National Right to Life PAC Announces Endorsement of Saxby Chambliss for Re-election to the U.S. Senate
The political-action arm of the nation's largest right-to-life organization today announced its strong endorsement of the re-election of Saxby Chambliss to the U.S. Senate.
In a letter to Chambliss, the National Right to Life PAC (NRL-PAC) commended Senator Chambliss for his "exemplary 100 percent pro-life voting record throughout your entire six-year term in the U.S. Senate."
NRL-PAC Political Director Karen Cross said, "Senator Chambliss has a perfect, 100 percent pro-life voting record for his entire six-year term, but Democrat Jim Martin favors continuation of the current policy of allowing abortion for any reason."
The entire text of the NRL-PAC letter to Chambliss appears below. For further information, contact National Right to Life PAC at 202-626-8825, or by e-mail to
October 28, 2008
Senator Saxby Chambliss
Chambliss for Senate
Atlanta, Georgia 30355
Dear Senator Chambliss:
The National Right to Life Political Action Committee (NRL-PAC) is pleased to endorse you for re-election to the United States Senate.
NRL-PAC is the political arm of the nation’s major right-to-life organization, representing right-to-life affiliates throughout the nation.
We commend you for your exemplary 100 percent pro-life voting record throughout your entire six-year term in the U.S. Senate. This record includes support for the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (enacted in 2003) and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (enacted in 2004). It also includes your consistent votes against federal funding of abortion and of organizations that promote abortion.
We are also grateful for your cosponsorship of other important pro-life bills that have not yet been enacted, including parental notification legislation and a bill to ban the practice of human cloning.
In addition, we applaud your consistent support for the confirmation of federal judicial nominees who believe that the proper judicial role is to interpret and apply the written law, not to engage in legislating from the bench.
Your extraordinary pro-life record should earn you the support of every voter who is committed to preservation of the fundamental right to life and to the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family.
David N. O'Steen, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Karen Cross
Political Director
Douglas Johnson
Legislative Director
The National Right to Life Committee is the nation's largest pro-life group with affiliates in all 50 states and over 3,000 local chapters nationwide.
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Isakson, Chambliss Urge Treasury to Address Needs of Community Banks
U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., today sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urging him to give community banks access to the Troubled Asset Relief Program authorized by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act... Click to read:
Isakson, Chambliss Urge Treasury to Address Needs of Community Banks
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Georgia Front
9:04 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Senate Discusses Budgets and Programs of Criminal Justice
The joint Senate Appropriations subcommittee continued its meeting series today with the Criminal Justice subcommittee and the Best Value in Government Task Force joint workshop at the Capitol. The subcommittee discussed agency reports, efficiencies, and cost savings for the Department of Pardons and Paroles and the Department of Corrections (DOC). Senators Johnny Grant (R- Milledgeville) and Mitch Seabaugh (R-Sharpsburg) co-chaired the meeting.
“As we go through these budgets to eliminate non-essential spending, we must keep in mind the well-being of our state,” said Seabaugh. “We cannot cut budgets at the risk of citizen protection from violent offenders.”
Each agency presented an overview of programs, efficiencies, and cost savings that have been implemented. The current budgets were submitted and several agencies were asked to provide further detailed information on particular programs or services. Members of the committee focused on uncovering duplicated services and redundancies between agencies.
Several issues discussed today were the DOC’s ongoing facility upgrades intended to reduce their operating budget and the Department of Pardons and Paroles converting to an electronic filing system to manage their caseload more efficiently. During the meeting, the committee encouraged agencies to consider the cost benefit of outsourcing several of their essential functions, prisons becoming more self-sufficient through inmate labor, and combining resources with other state agencies to streamline expenditures.
Additional joint workshops are scheduled through mid-December. Topics for those meetings include natural resources and agriculture, health, education and fiscal management. The workshops are being held at the request of Lt. Governor Casey Cagle, who has charged the Senate to proactively identify non-essential government services and maximize efficiency and value in our state government.
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3:50 PM
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
President Bush on Economy, Oct. 10th
Rose Garden
10:25 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Over the past few days, we have witnessed a startling drop in the stock market -- much of it driven by uncertainty and fear. This has been a deeply unsettling period for the American people. Many of our citizens have serious concerns about their retirement accounts, their investments, and their economic well-being.
Here's what the American people need to know: that the United States government is acting; we will continue to act to resolve this crisis and restore stability to our markets. We are a prosperous nation with immense resources and a wide range of tools at our disposal. We're using these tools aggressively.
The fundamental problem is this: As the housing market has declined, banks holding assets related to home mortgages have suffered serious losses. As a result of these losses, many banks lack the capital or the confidence in each other to make new loans. In turn, our system of credit has frozen, which is keeping American businesses from financing their daily transactions -- and creating uncertainty throughout our economy.
This uncertainty has led to anxiety among our people. And that is understandable -- that anxiety can feed anxiety, and that can make it hard to see all that is being done to solve the problem. The federal government has a comprehensive strategy and the tools necessary to address the challenges in our economy. Fellow citizens: We can solve this crisis -- and we will.
Here are the problems we face and the steps we are taking:
First, key markets are not functioning because there's a lack of liquidity -- the grease necessary to keep the gears of our financial system turning. So the Federal Reserve has injected hundreds of billions of dollars into the system. The Fed has joined with central banks around the world to coordinate a cut in interest rates. This rate cut will allow banks to borrow money more affordably -- and it should help free up additional credit necessary to create jobs, and finance college educations, and help American families meet their daily needs. The Fed has also announced a new program to provide support for the commercial paper market, which is freezing up. As the new program kicks in over the next week or so, it will help revive a key source of short-term financing for American businesses and financial institutions.
Second, some Americans are concerned about whether their money is safe. So the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the National Credit Union Administration have significantly expanded the amount of money insured in savings accounts, and checking accounts, and certificates of deposit. That means that if you have up to $250,000 in one of these insured accounts, every penny of that money is safe. The Treasury Department has also acted to restore confidence in a key element of America's financial system by offering government insurance for money market mutual funds.
Thirdly, we are concerned that some investors could take advantage of the crisis to illegally manipulate the stock market. So the Securities and Exchange Commission has launched rigorous enforcement actions to detect fraud and manipulation in the market. The SEC is focused on preventing abusive practices, such as putting out false information to drive down particular stocks for personal gain. Anyone caught engaging in illegal financial activities will be prosecuted.
Fourth, the decline in the housing market has left many Americans struggling to meet their mortgages and are concerned about losing their homes. My administration has launched two initiatives to help responsible borrowers keep their homes. One is called HOPE NOW, and it brings together homeowners and lenders and mortgage servicers, and others to find ways to prevent foreclosure. The other initiative is aimed at making it easier for responsible homeowners to refinance into affordable mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration. So far, these programs have helped more than 2 million Americans stay in their home. And the point is this: If you are struggling to meet your mortgage, there are ways that you can get help.
With these actions to help to prevent foreclosures, we're addressing a key problem in the housing market: The supply of homes now exceeds demand. And as a result, home values have declined. Once supply and demand balance out, our housing market will be able to recover -- and that will help our broader economy begin to grow.
Fifth, we've seen that problems in the financial system are not isolated to the United States. They're also affecting other nations around the globe. So we're working closely with partners around the world to ensure that our actions are coordinated and effective. Tomorrow, I'll meet with the finance ministers from our partners in the G7 and the heads of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Secretary Paulson will also meet with finance ministers from the world's 20 leading economies. Through these efforts, the world is sending an unmistakable signal: We're in this together, and we'll come through this together.
And finally, American businesses and consumers are struggling to obtain credit, because banks do not have sufficient capital to make loans. So my administration worked with Congress to quickly pass a $700 billion financial rescue package. This new law authorizes the Treasury Department to use a variety of measures to help bank [sic] rebuild capital -- including buying or insuring troubled assets and purchasing equity of financial institutions. The Department will implement measures that have maximum impact as quickly as possible. Seven hundred billion dollars is a significant amount of money. And as we act, we will do it in a way that is effective.
The plan we are executing is aggressive. It is the right plan. It will take time to have its full impact. It is flexible enough to adapt as the situation changes. And it is big enough to work.
The federal government will continue to take the actions necessary to restore stability to our financial markets and growth to our economy. We have an outstanding economic team carrying out this effort, led by Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, SEC Chairman Chris Cox, and FDIC Chair Sheila Bair. I thank them and their dedicated teams for their service during this important moment in our country's history.
This is an anxious time, but the American people can be confident in our economic future. We know what the problems are, we have the tools we need to fix them, and we're working swiftly to do so. Our economy is innovative, industrious and resilient because the American people who make up our economy are innovative, industrious and resilient. We all share a determination to solve this problem -- and that is exactly what we're going to do. May God bless you.
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Georgia Front
12:08 PM
Labels: business, commission, exchange, financial markets, fraud, george w. bush, government, insurance, manipulation, mutual funds, president, republican, securities, stock, wall street
Saturday, October 4, 2008
President's Radio Address
Good morning. This week, Congress passed a bipartisan rescue package to address the instability in America's financial system. This was a difficult vote for many members of the House and Senate, but voting for it was the right choice for America's economy and for taxpayers like you. I appreciate their efforts to help stop the crisis in our financial markets from spreading to our entire economy. And I appreciate their willingness to work across party lines in the midst of an election season.
The legislation Congress passed provides the necessary tools to address the underlying problem in our financial system. The root of this problem is that, as assets that banks hold have lost value, their ability to provide credit has been restricted, making it more difficult for businesses and consumers to obtain affordable loans.
Without decisive action, this credit crunch threatens to harm our entire economy. With this legislation, the Federal government can help banks and other financial institutions resume lending. This will allow them to continue providing the capital that is essential to creating jobs, financing college educations, and helping American families meet their daily needs.
Though the $700 billion dedicated to this plan is a large amount, the final cost to taxpayers will actually be much lower. Many of the assets that the government will be purchasing still have significant underlying value. As time passes, they will likely go up in price. And this means that the government should eventually be able to recoup much, if not all, of the original expenditure.
This package will also increase the safety of Americans' personal finances. For 75 years, the FDIC has provided insurance for savings accounts, checking accounts, and certificates of deposit. A similar insurance program is in effect for deposits in credit unions. And since these programs were instituted, no one has ever lost a penny on an insured deposit. The rescue package expands this protection by temporarily increasing the amount insured by the Federal government in banks and credit unions from $100,000 to $250,000. These steps should reassure Americans, especially small business owners, that their money is safe -- and it should restore confidence in the health of our banking system.
In addition to addressing the immediate needs of our financial system, this package will also help to spur America's long-term economic growth. This week, we learned that our Nation lost more jobs in September. Under these circumstances, it is essential for the government to reduce the burdens on workers and business owners. And that is why the rescue package includes relief from the Alternative Minimum Tax, which would otherwise increase taxes for 26 million taxpayers by an average of $2,200. And that is why it includes tax relief for businesses, which can use these savings to hire new employees and finance new investment.
By taking all these steps, we can begin to put our economy on the road to recovery. While these efforts will be effective, they will also take time to implement. My Administration will move as quickly as possible, but the benefits of this package will not all be felt immediately. The Federal government will undertake this rescue plan at a careful and deliberate pace to ensure that your tax dollars are spent wisely.
I know many of you listening this morning are anxious about the state of our economy and what it means for your personal finances. I am confident that the implementation of this relief package can begin to address those concerns. I'm confident by getting our markets moving, we will help unleash the key to our continued economic success: the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people.
Thank you for listening.
Posted by
Georgia Front
6:58 PM
Friday, September 26, 2008
Chambliss, Isakson: U.S. Department of Transportation Taking Action to Help With Fuel Distribution to Georgia
U.S. Senators Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., and Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., announced today that the U.S. Department of Transportation has taken action to help with fuel distribution to Georgia by extending the current exemption of the hours-of-service requirements for motor carriers carrying fuel to states in the South. This will allow more quantities of fuel to be carried to gas stations in Georgia. A temporary exemption was already in place due to Hurricanes Gustav and Ike; however, that is set to expire at midnight tonight. The waiver announced today will extend the exemption to October 8, 2008.
“I am pleased the U.S. Department of Transportation recognizes the urgent situation affecting our state,” said Chambliss. “Allowing fuel carriers to continue operating will make more gasoline available until supplies can be replenished, and that is critical to all Georgians.”
“With the decrease in supplies of gasoline due to recent hurricanes, it is absolutely critical that we make adjustments until supplies are back to normal,” Isakson said. “I am thankful the U.S. Department of Transportation extended this exemption and hope it will help remedy the current situation.”
On Tuesday, Chambliss and Isakson sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency in support of Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue’s request to temporarily extend relief from the federally enforceable sulfur gasoline requirements in the 45-county fuel control area. That waiver was granted on Tuesday afternoon.
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5:14 PM
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Victory for American Energy – and the American People
U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-GA) made the following statement after reports confirmed that the Democratic Leadership in Congress has finally relented, and will not seek to renew the ban on energy exploration on our nation’s Outer Continental Shelf. The congressional ban on offshore exploration is set to expire on October 1, 2008.
“For months now, House Republicans and Americans across the nation have called on the Democratic Leadership in Congress to enact a comprehensive energy plan that allows exploration of the vast energy resources on our nation’s Outer Continental Shelf,” said Gingrey. “And now, thanks to the support of millions of pro-energy Americans, October 1st will be a historic day for the future of American energy independence. The will of the American people has proven too strong for the environmental extremists – Democratic leaders will not try to extend this ban on exploring our nation’s deepwater resources.”
“We must remember that this is only the first step toward declaring American energy independence. As we move forward, we must ensure that this drilling moratorium is never reinstated and continue to push for an “all-of-the-above” energy plan that includes the development of renewable and alternative fuels, the utilization of nuclear power, and the promotion of energy conservation.”
“Throughout the month of August, the Democratic Leadership was given an earful by the American people, who demanded that we break the chains of OPEC by drilling our own energy sources on the Outer Continental Shelf – it appears the Majority may have finally started listening.”
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8:19 AM
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Chambliss, Isakson: Lifting of Drilling Moratorium is Victory for Georgians, Giant Step Forward
U.S. Senators Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., and Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today said during a press conference on Capitol Hill that Congressional leadership’s decision to allow the moratorium on oil and gas drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific shores to expire is a victory for Georgians. The moratorium was imposed in 1982 and has been renewed in annual spending bills each year since. It is set to expire on September 30, 2008.
For months, Chambliss and Isakson have been calling on Republicans and Democrats to put aside their differences on energy and come together with a comprehensive solution. The lifting of the moratorium is a huge step in that direction and shows how far the debate has shifted in the months since Chambliss and Isakson have been working with a small group of Republicans and Democrats on making the nation more energy independent.
“This is certainly a day of celebration in the world of energy,” said Chambliss. “We have one goal in mind, and that is for the United States to become energy independent. Removing the congressional moratorium on drilling is a giant step in the right direction, but it’s only the first step. Congress needs to develop a plan to move forward with leasing areas in the Outer Continental Shelf for oil and gas exploration and development. We should also try to further open the Gulf of Mexico where we know there is oil, but which is covered by a separate moratorium. Finally, a legislative plan will give the American people and industry the confidence necessary to proceed with developing our domestic sources of energy. Unfortunately, because of the way in which this moratorium was lifted, it can be reinstated just as easily as it was lifted.”
“We have dramatically advanced the energy debate in Congress. When we started this process, there was absolutely no desire on the Democrats part to explore for oil domestically. Now, Democrats have heard from the American people and are more willing to explore domestic production,” Isakson said. “We have raised the consciousness of Congress and shifted the national debate. However, we still have work to do. We must ensure that this move to repeal the moratorium is not temporary. We also need to enact comprehensive legislation to decrease our dependence on foreign oil in the long term through measures such as increasing nuclear power generation, expanding renewable sources of energy and promoting conservation and efficiency.”
Chambliss and Isakson both signed a letter to Senate leadership expressing their opposition to any attempt to extend the ban on offshore drilling and oil shale beyond their expiration at the end of September.
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President Honors Guardsman's Volunteerism
Photo: President George Bush talks with Air Force Maj. Dan Rooney of the Oklahoma Air National Guard after arriving at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., Sept. 12, 2008. Bush presented Rooney with the President's Volunteer Service Award for his contributions to the lives of military families through his Folds of Honor Foundation. Rooney left for his third tour in Iraq shortly after receiving the award. Photo courtesy of the Folds of Honor Foundation
Air Force Maj. Dan Rooney received the President's Volunteer Service Award from President Bush when the president arrived at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., Sept. 12. Since March 2002, Bush has been personally thanking volunteers for their service during his travels.
The award presented to Rooney is a reflection on his work starting and running the Folds of Honor Foundation, which provides educational assistance for fallen or disabled servicemembers' spouses or dependents.
"The Folds of Honor Foundation is honored and fortunate to be led by such an outstanding American patriot [as] Major Dan Rooney," said Josh Miller, the organization's vice president for program coordination and compliance.
Rooney's receipt of the award is a tribute to his outstanding efforts and is a sign that Folds of Honor has made at least a minor impact on the military community, Miller said. "More importantly though, Dan's receipt of the award is an encouragement to continue on our mission to ensure every last eligible spouse and dependent receives a scholarship," he added.
As of last month, Folds of Honor had presented some 200 scholarships totaling $1.1 million. The organization has even higher hopes this year, as the organization's annual fundraiser, Patriot Golf Day, held at about 3,800 PGA golf courses on Labor Day, is estimated to have generated more than $3 million toward more scholarships.
With about 1,250 golf courses tallied so far, Patriot Golf Day has raised about $830,000, Miller said.
The President's Volunteer Service Award developed out of Bush's call during his 2002 State of the Union address for Americans to make a difference by volunteering in their communities. Three months later, the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation created the award.
The awards are available to individuals 14 and under who have completed 50 or more hours of service. Those 15 and older must have completed 100 or more hours, and families or groups can be recognized for pitching in for 200 or more hours or volunteering in the community.
Miller said he's not sure how many hours Rooney has put in since starting the Fold of Honor Foundation.
"I couldn't even begin to estimate, but essentially in 2007, just getting the foundation up and running was pretty much a second full-time job for Dan," Miller said. "I can say with confidence that he far exceeded the 100-hour volunteer requirement."
The Folds of Honor Foundation is a supporter of America Supports You, a Defense Department program connecting citizens and companies with servicemembers and their families serving at home and abroad.
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Georgia State Representative Butler Honored September 24 at University of West Georgia
State Representative Mark Butler (R-Carrollton) will be a guest of honor of the Murphy Center for Public Service and the University of West Georgia American Democracy Project on Wednesday, Sept. 24, on the UWG campus.
He will be the guest lecturer at the Distinguished Speaker Series at 3:30 p.m. in the Pafford Building and will be awarded the Distinguished Citizen Award at a reception following the lecture. The lecture and reception are free and the community is invited to attend.
The event is sponsored by the Murphy Center, the American Democracy project, the Political Science Club and the Department of Political Science and Planning, and will begin in Room 112 with the reception and award ceremony following in Room 118.
The award is given by the Murphy Center to citizens who display excellence in public service to the university and the West Georgia community, said Dr. Robert Sanders, professor of political science and coordinator of the program.
“Butler is receiving the award because of his legislative and financial support for the university as a member of the Georgia legislature,” Sanders said. “He is a valued supporter of the university and has shown his commitment by supporting many projects including the new Coliseum, which will open in January 2009.”
Past recipients of the Distinguished Citizen Award include Governor Roy Barnes, Georgia Senator Mitch Seabaugh and state Supreme Court Judge Harris Hines.
Butler was elected into the state House of Representatives in 2002 as a District 18 representative for parts of Carroll and Haralson counties. For more information, call 678-839-6504.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
Secretary of State Handel Launches Website Targeted at Young Adults
Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel today announced the launch of iVote, a section of her website dedicated to increasing voter education among young adults. The iVote website features information about voter registration, voter registration drives, voting methods and Georgia’s photo ID requirement for in-person voting. The iVote website also provides answers to questions frequently asked by young adults and first time voters, and information about campus political organizations.
The iVote website can be accessed at:
“Georgia’s young adults have shown an intense interest in the 2008 General Election,” Secretary Handel said. “The iVote website directly targets this demographic and provides them with information to make sure they are prepared to vote and take advantage of available resources to fully engage in the process.”
Interns working in the Secretary of State’s Office during the summer of 2008 designed the iVote website, and Secretary Handel thanks them for their hard work. Those students are Karlos Emmanuel of the University of Georgia School of Law; Monique Ewing of Georgia State University School of Law; Meaghan Frankish of Georgia Southern University; and Lauren Potter of Agnes Scott College.
Karen Handel was sworn in as Secretary of State in January 2007. The Secretary of State's office offers important services to our citizens and our business community. Among the office’s wide-ranging responsibilities, the Secretary of State is charged with conducting efficient and secure elections, the registration of corporations, and the regulation of securities and professional license holders. The office also oversees the Georgia Archives and the Capitol Museum.
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Barack Obama's Advisers Wrote Bill Barack Obama Decries On Campaign Trail
"Let me welcome you all here today for the signing of this historic legislation. With this bill, the American financial system takes a major step forward towards the 21st century, one that will benefit American consumers, business, and the national economy for many years to come." -- Larry Summers, Then-Clinton Treasury Secretary And Current Obama Adviser, On Gramm-Leach-Bliley (1999)
Today, The Obama Campaign, As Barack Obama Has Done Over The Past Few Days, Blamed The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act For The Current Economic Crisis:
Obama Campaign Memo: "Gramm Was 'Principal Author' Of The 1999 Gramm-Leach-BlileyAct, Breaking Down Walls Between Banking, Insurance, And Securities Firms Erected By Depression-Era Glass-Steagall Act. 'Mr. Gramm, a principal author of the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which broke down the walls between banking, insurance, and securities, left Congress in late 2002 to become vice chairman of UBS Warburg.' [American Banker, 3/11/08]." (Obama Campaign Memo, 9/19/08)
However, Just Today, The Washington Post Highlighted The Utter Hypocrisy Of Obama's Position Considering Some Of The Very Same Advisers He Met With This Morning Were Major Supporters Of The Bill:
The Washington Post: Obama Supporters And Advisers Were Authors And Proponents Of The Very Same Bill Barack Obama Attacks On The Campaign Trail. "One element of the Obama campaign's brief against Mr. McCain is that he supported repeal of the law separating commercial banks from investment banks. ... Would it be churlish to point out that another author of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley law is former congressman Jim Leach, a founder of Republicans for Obama? Or that Obama advisers Lawrence H. Summers and Robert E. Rubin supported the repeal which was signed by President Bill Clinton?" (Editorial, "'Always For Less Regulation'?" The Washington Post, 9/19/08)
Barack Obama Advisers Who Lobbied For The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act:
· Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) -- Barack Obama's Running Mate
· Robert Rubin -- Obama Economic Adviser Who Met With Obama Today
· Larry Summers -- Obama Economic Adviser Who Met With Obama Today
· Gene Sperling -- Obama Economic Adviser Who Met With Obama Today
· Former Rep. Jim Leach (R-IA) -- Leads "Republicans For Obama" And Spoke At The Democrat National Convention
· Former President Bill Clinton -- Signed The Bill And Whose Support Barack Obama Has Constantly Sought
Joe Biden -- Obama's Own Running Mate -- Voted In Favor Of Gramm-Leach-Bliley:
Joe Biden Voted For The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Modernization Act Of 1999. (S. 900, CQ Vote #354: Adopted 90-8: R 52-1; D 38-7; I 1-0, 11/4/99, Biden Voted Yea)
Robert Rubin -- Former Treasury Secretary (1995-1999) -- Lobbied For Gramm-Leach-Bliley:
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Only Became Law Because Then-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin Urged President Clinton To Sign The Legislation. "[T]he Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ... only became law when Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin prevailed upon President Clinton to sign the bill." (Robert Scheer, Op-Ed, "Candidates Seek Banking 'Expertise' We Don't Need," San Gabriel Valley [CA] Tribune, 8/3/08)
President Clinton: Former Secretary Bob Rubin "Worked Very Hard On This." CLINTON: "But I do want to thank all the members here and all those who aren't here and I'd like to thank two New Yorkers who aren't here who have been mentioned -- former Secretary of the Treasury Bob Rubin, who worked very hard on this, and former chairman, Senator Al D'Amato, who talked to me about this often." (President Clinton, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD): "I Want To Thank The President, Secretary Summers, Former Secretary Rubin For Their Strong Support Throughout This Process." (Senator Sarbanes, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
Lawrence Summers Former Treasury Secretary (1999-2001) Worked For The Passage Of Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Obama Adviser Larry Summers Was Involved In Negotiating The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, And Called It A "Major Step Forward Toward The 21st Century." "Mr. Summers, the Obama adviser, was among those who negotiated the [1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley] measure on behalf of the Clinton administration, and he praised it as a 'major step forward toward the 21st Century.'" (Michael M. Phillips, Elizabeth Holmes and Amy Chozick, "Candidates Call Upon Big Names For Advice," The Wall Street Journal, 9/18/08)
· Then-Treasury Secretary Summers Called Gramm-Leach-Bliley "Historic Legislation" That Is "A Major Step Forward Towards The 21st Century." SUMMERS: "Let me welcome you all here today for the signing of this historic legislation. With this bill, the American financial system takes a major step forward towards the 21st century, one that will benefit American consumers, business, and the national economy for many years to come. This is the culmination of years of effort by many, many people, reflects the work of presidents, Treasury officials, members of Congress, those in the private sector, from both parties, and dedicated professionals, both inside and outside the government. With their help, I believe we have all found the right framework for America's future financial system." (Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
President Clinton" "I Want To Express My Gratitude To Those Principally Responsible For The Success Of This Legislation ... Secretary Summers." CLINTON: "Like all those before me, I want to express my gratitude to those principally responsible for the success of this legislation. I thank Secretary Summers and the entire team at Treasury, but especially Undersecretary Gensler for their work, and Assistant Secretary Linda Robertson." (President Clinton, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
Secretary Summers: "And I Want To Thank Especially My Predecessor, Bob Rubin, Who Cared Deeply That We Get This Bill Right..." (Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
Gene Sperling -- Former National Economic Adviser for President Bill Clinton (1997-2001) -- Lobbied And Worked On Gramm-Leach-Bliley:
Secretary Summers: "...Gene Sperling And Sarah Rosen And Their Colleagues At The National Economic Council For Everything That They Have Done In Bringing Us To This Point." (Secretary Summers, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
Rep. Jim Leach (R-IA) -- One Of The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act's Co-Authors -- Is An Obama Supporter And Leader Of "Republicans For Obama":
Former Rep. Jim Leach (R-IA) Was The Co-Author Of The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Which Repealed The Glass-Steagall Act And Allowed Competition Between Commercial And Investment Banks And Insurance Companies. (S. 900, Signed 11/12/99)
· Leach Endorsed Obama And Serves As A Leader Of "Republicans For Obama." "Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, picked up the endorsement today of former Republican Representative Jim Leach of Iowa, an important state in the general election." (Jonathan D. Salant, "Iowa Republican Leach, Ex-House Member, Backs Democrat Obama," Bloomberg News, 8/12/08)
· Leach Spoke At The Democrat National Convention. "The Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) and the Obama For America Campaign have confirmed that former Rep. Jim Leach (R-Iowa) will speak Monday, the opening night of the convention, themed 'One Nation.'" (Mary Ann Akers, "Surprise GOP Speaker At Dem Convention: Jim Leach," The Washington Post's "The Sleuth" Blog,, 8/24/08)
Representative Jim Leach: "Mr. President, Secretary Summers, colleagues in the House; let me just say, this is a bill that's bipartisan, bicameral, 'bi' -- in fact, tri-institutional, with officials of the legislative, executive, as well as the independent regulatory branches of government working well together." (Representative Leach, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD): Representative Leach "Shepherded" The Bill Through The Congress. SARBANES: "I want to thank Chairman Leach, who served as such an able chairman of the conference committee and kept us at the table on a -- when, on occasion, it looked like maybe people would walk away from the negotiating table. He shepherded the process through, I think, in an exemplary way." (Senator Sarbanes, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
President Bill Clinton -- Who Signed The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act -- Is The Leader Barack Obama Has Been Constantly Meeting With And Getting Advice From:
President Clinton Signed The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Into Law On November 12, 1999 As Public Law No. 106-102. (P.L. No. 106-102)
President Clinton: "This Is A Very Good Day For The United States." (President Clinton, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
President Clinton: "So This Is A Day We Can Celebrate As An American Day." (President Clinton, Remarks, Washington, D.C., 11/12/99)
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Gingrey: Democrat energy bill = “NOT-A” Energy Plan
U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey today made the following statement after Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat leadership refused to allow a vote on the comprehensive American Energy Act and instead offered a hoax bill that would permanently prevent exploration of nearly 90 percent of our nation’s oil resources:
“This bill is designed to do little except provide political cover for the Majority. By rejecting a full, open, and fair debate on meaningful legislation that will increase the supply of domestic energy resources, the Democratic Majority is blocking the will of the American people.
Throughout the month of August, the Democratic Leadership was given an earful by the American people, who demanded that we break the chains of OPEC by drilling our own energy sources on the Outer Continental Shelf. This sham of a bill before us today proves that the Majority may have heard those demands by the American people – but they sure weren’t listening very well.
Mr. Speaker, for months now, my Republican colleagues and I have been on the House floor – even when the House was not in session – asking for an up or down vote on H.R. 6566, the American Energy Act. This comprehensive, “All of the Above” approach is what the American people want to solve our energy crisis. It includes drilling that provides incentives for states through revenue sharing, the development of renewable and alternative fuels, the utilization of nuclear power, and the promotion of energy conservation.
Instead, the Democratic Majority has brought forward a bill today that is a “None of the Above” energy bill – indeed “NOT-A” energy bill. H.R. 6899 allows for offshore drilling, but only in a very limited way. This bill denies revenue-sharing to the very states who boldly decide to allow energy exploration off their shores. Exactly how many states does the Democratic Majority think will choose to enact this? That answer is simple – zero. This legislation will deliver little – if any – expanded drilling, and is unacceptable to the American people who have asked Congress for solutions instead of political grandstanding.”
Below, please find the video and audio of Congressman Gingrey’s remarks on the House Floor in opposition to this “no energy” energy plan. To watch the videos, click on the links below, or paste the link into your web browser.
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Friday, September 12, 2008
President Bush and SBA Acting Administrator Baruah Meet With Women Entrepreneurs To Promote Health Savings Accounts
President George W. Bush and U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Acting Administrator Sandy K. Baruah met in Oklahoma City today with women small business owners to discuss the benefits of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), which can be used to obtain affordable healthcare coverage.
An HSA is a tax-preferred account owned by an individual and used to pay for current and future medical expenses, including deductibles, co-payments and other forms of cost-sharing.President Bush and Administrator Baruah participated in a roundtable discussion at SBA’s Women’s Business Center with local women entrepreneurs. They listened to first-hand testimony of women business owners who are currently benefiting from these accounts, and those who are considering them.
Both leaders highlighted the many benefits of Health Savings Accounts and answered questions for those who have yet to start these HSAs.
“In my roles at the U.S. Dept. of Commerce and now as head of the SBA, I have met with many small business owners throughout the country, and they have shared their concerns with me. A topic that always arises is the rising cost of health care. Health Savings Accounts provide small business owners and the self-employed with an affordable option to health care coverage,” said Baruah. Today’s roundtable discussion was a joint effort of the U.S. Small Business Administration, the National Economic Council and the Department of the Treasury to promote the benefits of Health Savings Accounts. This joint effort uses many resources to educate the small business community of the benefits of Health Savings Accounts.
A new Web site has been developed as an online resource for small businesses and individuals considering Health Savings Accounts. Also, SBA, NEC and Treasury have produced a fact sheet highlighting the benefits of Health Savings Accounts. SBA will distribute the fact sheet to its district offices and resource partners as a greater outreach effort to promote Health Savings Accounts.
In addition to and the fact sheet, an online training module outlining the basics of Health Savings Accounts will be available for small businesses and individuals.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Countdown to Victory Rally
Senator Saxby Chambliss & the Georgia Republican Party
invite you to the Largest Political Event of the Summer!
Countdown to Victory Rally
Please join Saxby and Julianne Chambliss, along with Governor Sonny Perdue, U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson, U.S. Sen. Richard Burr, Secretary of State Karen Handel, School Superintendent Kathy Cox, Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, Rep. Tom Price, Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, Rep. Phil Gingrey, GAGOP Chairwoman Sue Everhart, and other elected officials to begin the countdown to November!
Saturday, September 13th @ 11am
Renaissance Waverly Hotel
(located at 2450 Galleria Parkway in Atlanta)
RSVP to (please indicate Victory Rally) or call (678)589-4888.
This will also be the statewide materials distribution event for the McCain and Chambliss Campaigns.
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Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain Picks Sarah Palin, Alaska Governor as VP
U.S. Senator John McCain today announced that he has selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate and to serve as his vice president.
Governor Palin is a tough executive who has demonstrated during her time in office that she is ready to be president. She has brought Republicans and Democrats together within her Administration and has a record of delivering on the change and reform that we need in Washington.
Governor Palin has challenged the influence of the big oil companies while fighting for the development of new energy resources. She leads a state that matters to every one of us -- Alaska has significant energy resources and she has been a leader in the fight to make America energy independent.
In Alaska, Governor Palin challenged a corrupt system and passed a landmark ethics reform bill. She has actually used her veto and cut budgetary spending. She put a stop to the "bridge to nowhere" that would have cost taxpayers $400 million dollars.
As the head of Alaska's National Guard and as the mother of a soldier herself, Governor Palin understands what it takes to lead our nation and she understands the importance of supporting our troops.
Governor Palin has the record of reform and bipartisanship that others can only speak of. Her experience in shaking up the status quo is exactly what is needed in Washington today.
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Georgia Front
8:42 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Secretary of State Handel Announces Partnership with Atlanta Falcons
Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel today announced a partnership between the Secretary of State’s Office and the Atlanta Falcons to remind Georgia voters about the state’s photo ID requirement for in-person voting; voter registration deadlines and early voting prior to the November 4, 2008 General Election.
The partnership includes public service announcements recorded by Falcons players and Secretary Handel which will air during pre-game, in-game and post-game radio broadcasts. Falcons players Thomas Brown, Erik Coleman, Jason Elam, Brian Finneran and Matt Ryan appear in the PSAs with Secretary Handel, reminding Georgia voters to bring a photo ID when voting in person; the October 6 deadline to register to vote in the General Election; and voting by mail or in person during advance voting week.
The radio PSAs are available on the Secretary of State’s website:
“I want to thank the entire Atlanta Falcons organization for the positive work they do in Georgia’s communities,” Handel said. “I’m excited to team up with the Falcons to remind Georgia voters about early voting options, voter registration and our photo ID requirement for in person voting.”
“Each season, the Atlanta Falcons strive to be among the most active community citizens in the National Football League,” said Jim Smith, Atlanta Falcons Vice President of Marketing. “This partnership opens new doors for our organization, and represents another valuable way we can leverage our resources to reach communities across Georgia.”
Additionally, Falcons home games at the Georgia Dome will feature end zone-to-end zone LED banners directing fans to visit the Secretary of State’s website for more information on the photo ID requirement, voter registration and early voting options.
The radio PSAs will run through Sunday, November 2. The Georgia Dome LED banners will run during each Falcons home game through October 12.
Karen Handel was sworn in as Georgia Secretary of State in January 2007. The Secretary of State’s office offers important services to our citizens and our business community. Among the office’s wide-ranging responsibilities, the Secretary of State is charged with conducting efficient and secure elections, the registration of corporations, and the regulation of securities and professional license holders. The office also oversees the Georgia Archives and the Capitol Museum.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Best Value Government Task Force Discusses Effective Government Service
State Sen. Mitch Seabaugh (R-Sharpsburg), Senate majority whip, today led the first meeting of the Senate Government Best Value Task Force for an in-depth discussion and review of the Pew Center’s Government Performance Project and Georgia’s report card.
“Lt. Gov. Casey established this task force to better serve Georgians through government efficiencies,” said Seabaugh. “By working collaboratively with the Governor’s office, we can provide Georgians with the best government at the lowest, most efficient cost.”
The Pew Center on the States released its 50-State Report Card evaluating each state government’s performance in serving the public. Georgia’s grade was a B+, ranking above the national average of a B-, eighth in the nation and the leader in the southeast. Georgia had the second lowest per capita expenditure at $3,732.
“The mission of this task force is to identify what needs to be accomplished and help us attain that goal,” Seabaugh added.
While Georgia improved its score over the past 10 years and scored high on customer service and managing for results, more improvements could be made. Task Force members focused discussions on how they could work with the executive branch to move Georgia state government even further toward a results-oriented, performance measured plans. To find improvements to better managing the government, the Task Force reviewed the Pew Center’s evaluations in the areas of money, infrastructure, information, people and customer service.
The Senate Best Value Government Task Force seeks to examine how the state through its departments and agencies can provide government service in the most efficient manner. It also seeks to develop strategies to ensure cost-effective expenditures of the public's tax dollar. Further, the Task Force seeks to determine whether services can be streamlined though either privatization or elimination of duplicated or mirrored activities.
The next meeting of the Georgia Senate Government Best Value Task Force is tentatively scheduled for September 16th. During the next meeting, Seabaugh plans to select areas for government improvement and attain agreement on the desired outcomes. In addition, he’d like to set a big-picture vision of how the state will work to gain greater flexibility in achieving the agreed upon, desired goals.
The Pew Center’s report card on the states can be found at
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Chambliss, Isakson Statement on 73rd Anniversary of Social Security
U.S. Senators Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., and Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today made the following statements on the 73rd anniversary of the creation of the Social Security program.
“Social Security is, and has always been, an important program, and many seniors in Georgia and across the nation depend on this vital program,” said Chambliss. “Currently, nearly 48 million Americans are receiving some form of Social Security benefit. We must ensure that this program continues to provide benefits to the working Americans that deserve what they have earned. Today, Americans have been using this program to aid in their retirement for 73 years. Many have benefited and it is my hope that many will continue to have access to this program as we in Congress work to ensure that it remains solvent. I would like to take this opportunity to renew our commitment to making sure this program is around for many years to come.”
“We keep seeing a lot of numbers and dates tossed around, but the key date is 2019. That is the year that the amount of Social Security benefits we’re paying out will exceed the amount of payroll taxes we’re taking in. That’s just 11 years from now, and the financial picture only gets worse and worse after that year,” Isakson said. “It is imperative we strengthen this program that so many Georgia seniors have depended on for 73 years. Congress must move towards addressing the Social Security crisis and restoring trust with the American taxpayers over how Congress handles their money.”
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Bush, Pakistani Prime Minister Hold White House Talks
7/28/08 President Bush and Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani discussed greater cooperation in the war on terror and economic matters during a White house meeting today.
The two leaders spoke with reporters after their Oval Office meeting.
"We talked about the common threat we face: extremists who are very dangerous people," Bush said. "We talked about the need for us to make sure that the ... Afghan border is secure as best as possible."
The president said Pakistan has committed to securing the border. Bush told Gilani the United States is committed to helping the Afghan democracy succeed. A peaceful, democratic country on its western border is in Pakistan's interest, the president said.
"We are committed to fight against those extremists and terrorists who are destroying and making the world not safe," Gilani said. "This is our own war. This is a war which is against Pakistan, and we'll fight for our own cause. And that is because I've lost my own leader, Benazir Bhutto, because of the militants."
Gilani assured the American people that the people of Pakistan "want the peace in the world, and they want to cooperate."
Bush stressed that the United States respects Pakistan's national sovereignty. "We also appreciate the prime minister's strong words against the extremists and terrorists who not only would do us harm but have harmed people inside Pakistan," Bush said.
This was Bush's second meeting with Gilani, who took office March 24.
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
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Georgia Front
8:36 AM
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Saturday, July 26, 2008
Chambliss Statement on Passage of Legislation to Stabilize Housing Market
U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., today made the following statement following passage of legislation to stabilize the housing market:
“Although this bill is not perfect, and I have some concerns with certain provisions included in it, I believe its passage is a step in the right direction toward addressing the current housing crisis and providing incentives for people to get in the market. This legislation also provides much-needed assistance to the communities that have been devastated by foreclosures by providing pre-foreclosure counseling for families in need and by enhancing mortgage disclosure. Georgians want Congress to address the challenges families are facing in a responsible way, and I believe we achieve that with a number of measures included in this bill.”
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Georgia Front
10:42 AM
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Isakson Praises Passage of Legislation to Stimulate Housing Market
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today praised the Senate’s passage of legislation to stimulate the nation’s declining housing market. The legislation passed by a vote of 72 to 13.
“One thing we must do is improve the plight of the American people economically, and there are two things overwhelming average Americans today. One is the price of gas at the pump. The second is the declining value of equity in their homes,” Isakson said. “This legislation is an infusion of confidence the financial markets need desperately. We'll put liquidity back in the mortgage market. There will be good underwriting and accountable credit issued by the mortgages that are then sold to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to provide liquidity in the marketplace. This is not a bailout for those two institutions. It is an insurance policy that's good for this economy and good for this country.”
The comprehensive legislation is designed to stimulate the nation’s declining housing market as well as strengthen the regulation of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. It also modernizes the Federal Housing Administration and expands the FHA’s loan insurance programs aimed at helping borrowers avoid foreclosure.
The legislation now goes to President Bush for his signature.
Isakson spent more than three decades in the real estate business, beginning his business career in 1967 when he opened the first Cobb County, Ga., office of a small, family-owned real estate business, Northside Realty. Isakson later served as president of Northside for 20 years, presiding over the company’s growth into the largest independent residential real estate brokerage company in the Southeast and one of the largest in America.
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Georgia Front
10:41 AM
Labels: atlanta, brooks, county, coweta, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, georgia front page, peachtree city, south metro, tyrone, woolsey
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Gingrey Supports American Energy Act An “All-of-the-Above” Approach to Energy Independence
U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey released the following statement after joining his House Republican colleagues to introduce the American Energy Act, a comprehensive energy bill to help reduce gas prices by increasing the supply of American-made energy, improving conservation and efficiency, and harnessing renewable and alternative energy technologies.
“Georgia families have now been paying north of four dollars a gallon for gasoline for over a month,” said Gingrey. “As a nation in crisis, we must realize that there is no single solution that Congress can enact that will provide both short and long term solutions. Instead, this crisis requires a multi-faceted – ‘all-of-the-above’ – approach that increases domestic energy supply, thereby reducing our dependence on foreign oil and providing immediate relief to the pain we are all feeling at the pump.”
“The American Energy Act is just what the doctor ordered, and will put us on the road toward energy independence. I call on Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic Leadership to do the right thing for hardworking Americans and immediately bring the American Energy Act to a vote on the House floor.”
Rep. Gingrey will be leading an in-depth discussion of the American Energy Act this evening as he hosts a special order hour on the House Floor. You can view this energy discussion on C-SPAN.
Increases the Supply of American-made Energy in Environmentally Sound Ways
Opens the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), which will provide an additional three million barrels of oil per day, as well as 76 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
Opens the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), which will provide an additional 1.5 million barrels of oil per day.
Increase the supply of gas at the pump by cutting bureaucratic red tape that essentially blocks construction of new refineries.
Allow development of our nation’s shale oil resources, which could provide an additional 2.5 million barrels of oil per day – a total of 1.3 trillion barrels of oil currently under the lock and key of the federal government.
Promotes renewable and alternative energy technologies
Spurs the development of alternative fuels through government contracting by repealing the “Section 526” prohibition on government purchasing of alternative energy and promoting coal-to-liquids technology.
Establishes a renewable energy trust fund using revenues generated by exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and ANWR.
Permanently extends the tax credit for alternative energy production, including wind, solar, hydrogen and biomass, as proposed in H.R. 5984 – the Clean Energy Tax Stimulus Act, introduced by Representative Roscoe Bartlett from Maryland.
Eliminates barriers to the expansion of emission-free nuclear power production.
Improves energy conservation and efficiency, the legislation
Provides tax incentives for businesses and families that purchase more fuel efficient vehicles.
Provides a monetary prize for developing the first economically feasible, super-fuel-efficient vehicle reaching 100 miles-per-gallon.
Provide tax incentives for businesses and homeowners who improve their energy efficiency.
Posted by
Georgia Front
4:37 AM
Labels: brooks, fayette county, fayette front page, fayettevile, georgia, gingrey, peachtree city, tyrone, woolsey
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Chambliss Expresses Concern Over Patisan Plan Addressing Energy Speculation
U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) today took to the Senate floor to express his concerns that S.3286, the “Stop Excessive Energy Speculation Act” sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D- Nev.), was not considered before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, the committee of jurisdiction. Sen. Chambliss said that many problems exist in the bill because the Committee did not have the opportunity to review the legislation before it was brought to the floor.
“When Congress tackles issues of such complexity, we must make certain that we do not ignore the potential unintended consequences that I believe will result from this approach,” said Sen. Chambliss. “We simply have not had the opportunity to fully explore the possibility that implementation of this legislation could have negative impacts, such as driving the price of crude oil up further. The real issue is that factual data is lacking in this debate, which unfortunately allows everyone to paint the picture convenient for their cause.”
Last month, the Senate Agriculture Committee held a joint hearing with the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) budget and regulatory oversight. During the hearing, Sen. Chambliss cautioned his colleagues not to rush into legislating an uninformed solution.
“I am not opposed to all aspects of this bill, rather I believe many of the components designed to yield more transparency in these markets are necessary,” said Sen. Chambliss. “We must ensure that the information both the regulators and Congress use to ensure proper oversight is accurate to warrant our actions, but this language goes far beyond what I consider reasonable. A reasonable market oversight component could be developed as part of a bipartisan, comprehensive package, but unfortunately, this approach is only distracting us from developing more reasonable and balanced legislation.”
Sen. Chambliss is leading a bipartisan group of ten Senators working to develop a meaningful and comprehensive energy package.
To listen to Sen. Chambliss’ floor speech, go to:
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Georgia Front
5:25 PM
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Governor Perdue Announces Excellence in Customer Service Commendations
Governor Sonny Perdue today (July 15, 2008) announced 14 individual and team recipients of the Governor’s Commendation for Excellence in Customer Service. The quarterly event recognizes state employees who go above and beyond their basic responsibilities to provide extraordinary service to Georgia’s citizens.
Darrell Beam, Department of Administrative Services, Atlanta
Lee Chambers, Sr., Investigator, Governor’s Office of Consumer Affairs, Atlanta (in memoriam)
Maria Greene, Division of Aging Services, Department of Human Resources, Atlanta
Harold Lambert, State Board of Pardons and Paroles, Atlanta
Margie Landers, Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, Atlanta
Gordon Lowe, Georgia Emergency Management Agency, Atlanta
Leslie Sessly, Division of Aging Services, Department of Human Resources, Atlanta
Linda Stephens, Department of Administrative Services, Atlanta
Wayne Petty, Georgia Technology Authority, Atlanta
Fort Benning Temporary Tag Office Team, Georgia Department of Revenue, Muscogee County Tax Commissioner’s Office and the Georgia Technology Authority, Columbus
GDEcD Regional Small Business and Innovation Team, Georgia Department of Economic Development, Boston
Outreach Team, Teachers Retirement System of Georgia, Atlanta
Troop F Task Force, Georgia State Patrol, Swainsboro
Web Search Team, Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, Atlanta
Posted by
Georgia Front
8:09 AM
Labels: commendations, customer service, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, georgia front page, sonny perdue
Isakson: Congress Must Put Aside Partisanship, Work Together to Address High Energy Prices
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today (July 15, 2008) urged members of Congress to work together to develop a comprehensive plan to address high energy prices during a speech on the Senate floor. Isakson said solutions that embrace all ideas – from conservation to increased domestic exploration – are at our fingertips if only members of Congress would put aside their partisan differences.
“The Congress of the United States is sitting on a ham sandwich starving to death,” Isakson said. “America has within its reach every resource necessary to be self-sufficient when it comes to energy. All we have to do is have the political will and the common sense to make it happen.”
In his remarks, Isakson outlined a number of initiatives he believes will provide a balanced approach to America’s long-term energy needs, including oil and natural gas exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf, nuclear energy, conservation and renewable resources such as solar and wind energy.
“I call on my colleagues, Republican and Democrat alike, to put their elephants and donkeys in the barn and look at the needs of the American people,” Isakson said. “If we leave this year without a comprehensive policy for energy independence, we have done a disservice to the people of the United States and we will not have fulfilled our Constitutional responsibility.”
Isakson praised the administration for its announcement on Monday that it is lifting the ban on offshore exploration, saying that we cannot decrease our dependence on foreign oil if we fail to explore our potential domestic supply.
“That is absolutely something that we ought to do,” Isakson said of the offshore exploration. “We should be exploring every resource that we have.”
Isakson is a part of a bipartisan group of senators led by Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga. and Kent Conrad, D-N.D., that are committed to working together on legislation to address the nation’s energy crisis.
Posted by
Georgia Front
8:06 AM
Labels: energy, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, gas prices, georgia, georgia front page, johnny isakson, natural gas, oil, peachtree city, saxby chambliss
Monday, July 14, 2008
Secretary of State Handel Issues Decisions on Candidate Residency Challenges
Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel issued the following decisions today regarding candidate residency challenges.
Ian O’Brien v. Keith Gross: Secretary Handel adopted the Administrative Law Judge’s findings of fact and conclusions of law and held that Keith Gross does not meet the residency requirements for state House of Representatives, District 80.
Prominent notices will be placed at each affected polling place advising voters of Mr. Gross’s disqualification, and all votes cast for Mr. Gross will be void and not counted.
Hillary O. Stewart v. Cecillia Hailey: Secretary Handel adopted the Administrative Law Judge’s decision to deny the challenge to Ms. Hailey’s residency.
Earnest “Coach” Williams v. Clyburn Halley, Jr.: Secretary Handel adopted the Administrative Law Judge’s decision to deny the challenge to Mr. Halley’s residency.
Joan Garner v. Erik Underwood: Based upon the evidence presented in the hearing officer’s findings of fact, Secretary Handel held that Mr. Underwood does not meet the residency requirements for state Senate District 36.
Mr. Underwood does not own property, does not pay rent, and does not receive mail in the district. OSAH hearing notices sent to the address provided by Mr. Underwood in his “Declaration of Candidacy and Affidavit” were returned undeliverable.
Prominent notices will be placed at each affected polling place advising voters of Mr. Underwood’s disqualification, and all votes cast for Mr. Underwood will be void and not counted.
Karen Handel v. James R. Powell: Based upon the evidence, Secretary Handel held that Jim Powell does not meet the residency requirements for Public Service Commission, District 4.
Mr. Powell owns a home in Towns County, which is within District 4. However, at the time he qualified as a candidate for Public Service Commission, District 4, he received a homestead exemption and continued to receive mail at a home owned in Cobb County, which is not within District 4. He also provided his Cobb County address as his mailing address to the Towns County Tax Assessors Office.
Prominent notices will be placed at each affected polling place advising voters of Mr. Powell’s disqualification, and all votes cast for Mr. Powell will be void and not counted.
Posted by
Georgia Front
12:17 PM
Labels: brooks, candidate, decisions, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, karen handel, peachtree city, residency challenge, tyrone, woolsey
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Isakson Praises Passage of Legislation to Stimulate Housing Market
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today praised the Senate’s passage of legislation to stimulate the nation’s declining housing market. The legislation passed by a vote of 63 to 5.
“One thing we must do is improve the plight of the American people economically, and there are two things overwhelming average Americans today. One is the price of gas at the pump. The second is the declining value of equity in their homes,” Isakson said. “This legislation incentivizes buyers to come back to the marketplace. It provides liquidity to refinance loans that are under water. It motivates, inspires and provides liquidity in the marketplace through Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that does not exist right now.”
The comprehensive legislation is designed to stimulate the nation’s declining housing market as well as strengthen the regulation of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. It also modernizes the Federal Housing Administration and expands the FHA’s loan insurance programs aimed at helping borrowers avoid foreclosure.
The legislation will now return to the House of Representatives for consideration. Isakson urged the House to immediately pass the bill.
“We cannot afford to delay this legislation, which will help bring back a prosperous, healthy housing market and a disciplined, well capitalized and liquid mortgage market,” Isakson said. “Every day we wait is a protraction of the current economic difficulty in the housing market.”
Posted by
Georgia Front
5:20 AM
Labels: brooks, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, johnny isakson, peachtree city, tyrone, woolsey
Sens. Chambliss-Isakson Urge USDA to Stop Plans to Change Peanut Program Loans
U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), Ranking Republican Member on the Senate Agriculture Committee, and Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) today sent a letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary Dr. Mark Keenum urging the Department to continue using the current peanut loan differential method for 2008 and 2009. The proposal made by USDA last month would result in a significantly lower marketing loan rate for the Runner variety, which makes up almost 100 percent of Georgia production. Georgia produces nearly 45 percent of all the peanuts produced in the United States, making it the number one peanut producing state.
Text of the letter is below:
July 10, 2008
Dr. Mark Keenum
Under Secretary
Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services
Room 205 Whitten Building
United States Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250
Dear Dr. Keenum:
Now that the 2008 farm bill has finally been enacted into law the responsibility of implementing the legislation consistent with Congressional intent falls on the Department of Agriculture. This task can be as daunting as crafting the legislation and we are appreciative of the efforts you have taken to expedite the implementation process.
However, we are concerned about proposed changes to the peanut program. Shortly after the passage of the farm bill, a white paper was distributed at the direction of Deputy Under Secretary Floyd Gaibler highlighting proposed changes to the method of determining marketing loan differentials for peanuts. The proposal to move to a market-based loan differential for peanuts was met with little to no support within the peanut industry. We find it very disturbing that since Congress made minimal changes to the Peanut Title of the 2008 farm bill that USDA would make such a drastic proposal, which was never discussed during the many farm bill meetings attended by the Department.
Recently you held an industry wide meeting to discuss the peanut market-based loan differential proposal. You made it clear to the industry that the proposal would not be implemented for the 2008 crop of peanuts, but that a decision for the 2009 and subsequent crop years has not yet been made. We are appreciative of the fact there will be no changes for the 2008 crop and that you assured the industry there would be an open dialogue on the subject before a final decision is made for the 2009 and subsequent crop years.
After the industry wide meeting, we both received a letter from the American Peanut Council (APC). The APC is the trade association representing all segments of the U.S. peanut industry. The letter stated that APC members, at your request, reviewed the proposal again and still determined that if enacted the proposal, “…will harm the peanut industry and subject the federal government to the risk of increased financial losses.”
Dr. Keenum, we respectfully request that the peanut market-based loan differential proposal not be considered and that the Department continue to use the existing peanut loan differential method. The proposal is not supported by any segment of the industry and we are fearful that if the Department continues to pursue this proposal there will be a significant deterioration of USDA’s relationship with the peanut industry.
Please do not hesitate to contact us or our staff if you have any questions about our request.
Very truly yours,
Saxby Chambliss
Johnny Isakson
Posted by
Georgia Front
4:57 AM
Labels: brooks, farmers, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, johnny isakson, peachtree city, peanut, saxby chambliss, tyrone, woolsey
Friday, July 11, 2008
Secretary of State Handel Applauds Denial of Georgia Democratic Party’s Motion to Block Use of Photo ID
Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel issued the following statement today regarding Fulton County Superior Court Judge Tom Campbell’s denial of the Georgia Democratic Party’s motion for a Temporary Restraining Order to block the use of photo identification in the July 15, 2008 General Primary:
“I applaud Judge Campbell’s ruling to deny the Democratic Party’s frivolous motion to block the use of photo ID in the General Primary Election. Photo ID has been implemented without incident in eight elections, including the Presidential Preference Primary that featured record voter turnout.
“In the past year, the Georgia Supreme Court, the U.S. District Court in Rome and the U.S. Supreme Court have all rejected attacks on the constitutionality of the photo ID requirement. Opponents of photo ID have failed to produce even one voter who has been harmed by the requirement, despite years of scouring the state in search of such an individual.
“I remind voters that Georgia’s photo ID law remains in place. As required by the law, Georgia voters casting their ballots in-person on Election Day must bring one of the required six forms of photo ID to the polls on July 15.”
Fayette Front Page
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Fayetteville, Peachtree City, Tyrone
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Georgia Front
11:25 AM
Labels: brooks, democrat, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, karen handel, peachtree city, photo id, tyrone, vote, woolsey
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Isakson Praises Passage of Terrorist Surveillance Legislation
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today praised the Senate’s passage of legislation to update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, also known as FISA, so that our nation can take advantage of the latest communication technologies in protecting our country.
“The intelligence gathered through foreign intelligence surveillance saves American lives,” Isakson said. “The absence of any catastrophic attacks in America since September 11, 2001, is the product of hard work by Americans in intelligence, law enforcement and the military.”
The bipartisan legislation makes needed changes to FISA so the government’s counter-terrorism intelligence-gathering can continue. It reiterates that FISA constitutes the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and surveillance of domestic communications may be conducted.
Additionally, the legislation includes retroactive immunity for private telecommunications carriers who have assisted the United States in conducting intelligence surveillance post-9/11 if there was “substantial evidence” they received written assurances that the program was legal and authorized by the president.
“The assistance of private telecommunications carriers is essential to carrying out the intelligence-gathering contemplated in FISA,” Isakson said. “Those who assist the government in tracking terrorists should not be punished with lawsuits.”
The legislation passed the Senate by a vote of 69 to 28. The bill now goes to President Bush for his signature.
Posted by
Georgia Front
7:47 AM
Labels: brooks, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, johnny isakson, peachtree city, tyrone, woolsey
Chambliss Pleased With Senate Passage of Balanced, Bipartisan Intelligence Legislation
U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss, R-Georgia, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, today (July 9, 2008) made the following statement following Senate passage of legislation to update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Chambliss also said he was pleased the Senate rejected amendments to punish American companies who assist the federal government in monitoring terrorist activity. Chambliss said the amendments would have derailed the compromise bill and further delayed U.S. intelligence gathering capabilities.
“This critical legislation has been the subject of many negotiations, and although the legislation is not perfect, I am pleased with the bipartisan nature of this compromise bill. I am satisfied that this legislation will provide our intelligence agencies with the legal tools necessary to perform their jobs, the flexibility they require, and the capability to protect Americans’ civil liberties. However, I am perplexed that it has taken Congress this long to adopt meaningful legislation necessary to protect our country; legislation which Congress knew, at least since last August, needed to be enacted expeditiously. Normally, Congress is accused of being guided by expediency rather than principle, but not usually in national security matters. Intelligence is bipartisan. Securing our nation is bipartisan. It is in every American’s interest that Congress act quickly to protect our nation from terrorist attack, espionage, or any other harm.
“Our intelligence collection relies on the assistance of U.S. telecommunication carriers. These communication providers are facing multi-million dollar lawsuits for their alleged assistance to the government after September 11, 2001. After the expiration of the Protect America Act, many providers began to delay or refuse assistance. Losing the cooperation of just one provider could mean losing thousands of pieces of intelligence on a daily basis. In just one week after its expiration, we lost significant amounts of intelligence forever. We will never be able to recover those lost communications, nor will we ever know what we missed. It is crucial that any FISA legislation include retrospective, as well as prospective, immunity for telecommunication providers who assist the government in securing our national security. To that end, I am pleased the Senate rejected amendments that would have undermined the months of hard work by the Senate Intelligence Committee and the House to reach an agreement on this bill.”
Posted by
Georgia Front
7:46 AM
Labels: brooks, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, peachtree city, saxby chambliss, tyrone, woolsey